$495.00 USD

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

By purchasing the program, you agree to the TERMS AND CONDITIONS outlined on this page. 

Hey Kareen! Membership

Many clients say, "Kareen, I wish I could carry you around in my pocket and get your advice when I need it."

I designed this program for you to have access to me, and carry me around in your pocket with ease! Request, GRANTED!

Hey Kareen is for the entrepreneurs and leaders who have worked with me as a member of any of group coaching programs like AYG or BGM, has worked with me 1:1, or read either book Lead with Value or Be A Badass, and know my method of goal and task breakdown, but also want consistent accountability and on demand guidance to achieve it! 

Imagine if you could ask Siri or Alexa what to do next in your business?? Well, now you have Hey Kareen This is my method of providing accountability to help you stay in action, get my no BS guidance, and connect with others who have been coached by me for support and accountability! Imagine how much further you can go with this type of support in your pocket!

By joining Hey Kareen, you will receive:

  • Accountability prompts to help you stay in action against your weekly goals.
  • Hey Kareen messaging platform access to leave an audio or text messages for me! And I will respond during my office hours.
  • Monthly LIVE Retrospective Calls with me via zoom
  • Access to the Hey Kareen Resource Library where I will post her tools, and content for you to leverage based on your business growth needs.

This group membership program will be hosted via Voxer Communication tool. You will have access to the Hey Kareen group for accountability and on demand coaching from me, along with the support of other members in the group. This is a great place to ask for help, connect with like minded entrepreneurs, and sustain action towards your ultimate vision. 

This program IS NOT FOR YOU IF:

  • You are unwilling to support and share feedback with others in the group.
  • You are waiting for someone else to do the work to build your business.
  • You are unwilling to follow through on the actions outlined to help advance in your business. 
  • You have a negative attitude and lean into judgement more than possibilities.

This program IS FOR YOU IF:

  • You are a goal getter and want a sounding board on the best next action to take.
  • You have interacted with my teachings and coaching methods and want to take your business to the next level with her guidance.
  • You are ready to stay in momentum and willing to follow through to achieve your goals.
  • You value my guidance as your coach and will do what you can to help support others in the group too!

In order to get access like this in my 1:1 containers, your baseline investment is $1750 for my VIP Strategy Session, and $5500 for my 3 month coaching containers. These are investments that my clients have been able to build 6 figure revenue streams and build scalable business models. Not everyone at the start of their business can afford this type of investment. Believe me, I get it. I was where you are right now. Questioning how to advance but also make sure the way you invest in your business will reap a return. I have wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars on the wrong services at the wrong time in my business, and have so many lessons learned for you to avoid making these mistakes. That's why my clients invest in time with me. I always have your return on investment in mind!

This program was designed to help you have continuous momentum. You are going to want to enroll in this monthly program for ONLY $495/month, because you are going to love the access to If you are feeling alone leading your growth strategy, looking for continuous support from me, and want a healthy accountability practice to achieve it, this is the group program for you!

Can't wait to be walking alongside you!! Enroll today!

Note: This program is offered between February 2023 through October 2023. You may cancel your membership at any time. No refunds available once purchased. How you choose to use the service provided through Hey Kareen is at your discretion. Results will be a direct response to the actions you take and how you choose to follow through. Only enroll if you are ready to build what you dream of and want a place you can rely on to accelerate your growth! 

What People Are Saying:

OMG, access to Kareen when I need her advice on what to do next as I launch my agency has been amazing! I love the accountability and her ability to help me stay in action, and turn challenging moments into opportunities for me!

Yasmeen A.

Working with Kareen and getting her advice when I am in the thick of launching something new has been the greatest way I could invest in the growth of my business. Her guidance is real, raw, and actionable. I am so grateful for her time and focus on my business!

Holly F.